
Sosok Yang Tegar & Berani

Keadaan terpuruk bukanlah buruk, bila
dihadapi dengan tenang, dan bijak
serta berjuang terus pantang mundur,
dan diiringi doa yang tulus!
Setiap tantangan dan rintangan adalah
cambuk untuk memotivasi kita mencapai
kemajuan dan kemenangan.

Pepatah mengatakan:

 "Kehidupan bukanlah jalan yang lurus
dan mudah dilalui di mana kita bisa
bepergian bebas tanpa halangan.
Kehidupan seringkali berupa
jalan-jalan sempit yang menyesatkan,
di mana kita harus mencari jalan,
tersesat dan bingung! Sering rasanya
sampai pada jalan tak berujung.
Namun, jika kita punya keyakinan
Kepada Sang Maha Pemilik Kehidupan,
pintu pasti akan dibukakan untuk
kita. Mungkin bukan pintu yang selalu
kita inginkan, namun pintu yang
akhirnya akan terbukti, terbaik untuk
kita!" - A.J. Cronin

Saat kita menjelang dewasa, hidup
memang tidak selalu indah.
Lihatlah, langit pun tak selalu cerah,
suram malam kadang tak berbintang.
Itulah lukisan alam. Itulah aturan

Hidup adalah belajar. Belajar untuk
menyelesaikan setiap teka-teki yang
sudah disiapkan oleh-Nya untuk kita.
Yang terpenting adalah, dalam kondisi
apapun, lakukanlah selalu yang
terbaik yang kita bisa.

Seberat apapun masalahmu kawan,
sekelam apapun beban dalam hidupmu,
janganlah engkau berlari, apalagi
Temuilah Dia dengan lapang dada dan
bersihnya hati. Yakinlah, dengan
KESABARAN, kita akan bisa bertahan
dari segala badai cobaan.

Saat engkau mendapati masalah,
yakinlah, sebenarnya engkau tengah
dipersiapkan-NYA tuk menjadi sosok
yang tegar & berani.


My New Sistaa :')

Never imagined before that i could have a new friends here, Makassar. Thanks to the internet so i can meet both of them, Farah and Fhemy. Their names both start from the letter F and they both are native in makassar :D, this is coincidence. Initially i only knew Fhemy a month ago when we joined  SNMPTN test but after that I lost communication with fhemy. Fortunately i found her on twitter last days ago then i found Farah also. They both kind and pretty, not like me, hha. The last few days we very often chat on Blackberry Messenger and Twitter. I hope this friendship will not end quickly and can become a long lasting friendship, Amin.

These are some pictures of them and screenshot:





Chat sama Fhemy

Chat sama Farah
Thanks for reading \:D/


UNHAS I'm Coming !

At first I confused about what to post. But suddenly I remembered yesterday on the 6th of July, the future picked me up, hhe. It was SNMPTN announcement. I was so nerveous ! Fear of not pass -__-. SNMPTN is a national scale, throughout Indonesia ! So who said he didn't felt nervous, it's a lie :D

My friends at bbm said the announcement was at 8pm at the official website of SNMPTN but i opened its website around 10pm. Before i went to the website I didn't forget to pray for God to be the best, i didn't realize that i cried at my prying. After i finished praying, i convinced myself to go to the website. It asked to type my test number and my date of birthday. I did hope it turned out a long loading but it was fast, hha. When the website was opened, my eyes immediately seen one word "CONGRATULATIONS" yahh i didn't read the other words, i simply euphoric jumping for joy, hha. While i was jumping, i realized i had not seen what major i had passed. I saw it and i was graduating with a major in communication sciences at University of Hasanuddin, Makassar. I was soo happy ! God is so merciful to me. I shared my happiness to my friends on facebook, twitter, and also Blackberry Messenger XD

Here's the screenshot:

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